Friday, January 17, 2025

Madeira 4

The next day took us up for a walk across the mountain plateau. It was slightly disappointing in that it involved following some contrived paths through difficult scrub terrain. But eventually we emerged to more open land. I hope this shot gets across the lonely aspect of the interior.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Madeira 3

Our first official day of walking saw us taken to the start of a trek back that headed back to the hotel. It also gave us a taste of Madeira driving techniques - interesting. 
The route took us alongside the first of many levadas. These are aqueducts built high in the hills, that transport water from where it falls to where it is needed. Some date from the 17th century, and they form a network that gives great walking in remote areas of the island.
The photo is of a typical example, with a path contouring alongside the water that flows gently.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Madeira 2

Our first full day saw us explore the paths around Porto da Cruz where we stayed for the first three nights of our holiday. We walked up some beautiful old paths which mixed steps with cobbled slopes as they took us over 600metres above the sea. On our way back to the hotel we met a couple of young Dutch women who were also walking in the area, but with a different company. We got on really well with them, and shared a meal in the restaurant afterwards. 

Catrine, Danielle and Sirra

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Madeira 1

For her 60th Birthday, Danielle chose to go walking in Madeira. Her original choice of cross country skiing for people with visual impairment was sold out. So we arrived by direct flight from Manchester. Leaving snow on the ground, ice on the runway, and a two hour delay behind us we touched down to 20 degrees sunny warmth which would stay with us for the whole trip. Avoiding the Ronaldo statue we got a cab to our first hotel on the wild north coast. Nothing had prepared us for the incredibly wild and inhospitable landscape. A whole string of EU funded tunnels have helped transform the islands road network. An amazing achievement, and an example of the greatness of being a member of the EU (you fill in the rest). The tiny village itself was lovely, the photo was of the view from our window. So we got settled in and looked forward to getting started walking the next day.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Freight Train

Occasionally freight trains run through York station, when the avoiding line is closed for maintenance. Saturday evening when we got back from London, we saw this diesel pulling grimy oil tankers, like a ghost from another age.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Bench

I made this bench out of the sequoia tree we had felled 7 years ago. It is a gift to Danielle for her 60th birthday.

Friday, January 10, 2025


 Next thing on this busy agenda was for Danielle and I to go to London for the day to see The Lehman Trilogy at the theatre. Absolutely brilliant performance and staging. We really loved it. Got home in time to avoid the snow. A really thoughtful gift from Rowan to Danielle for her 60th, which included Rowan staying in York to look after the dog. Here we are in the circle.