20 years ago I cycled to Egbaston from Droitwich [where I was living] to watch the fourth day of the Ashes test match against Australia. I just turned up, paid on the turnstyle and watched the game. It was fantastic, with Botham scoring a 6, then being caught on the boundary by a highly baited Jeff Thomson, lots of everything. That was the last game of cricket I have been to, I just lost interest. But today, I must admit I have been keeping an eye on the score on the web - hard to imagine just turning up and getting admission though...
Derwood, my friend in the Californian desert who I visited in April sent me a photo of a rattlesnake he and his dog encountered in their yard, and managed to get rid of. Rattlesnakes are the colour of money, and just as deadly.
Meanwhile Danielle is making Crab Apple Jelly with the fruit from our tree -