The photo is of Rowan atop Black Hambledon. I was in west London yesterday meeting a new potential client. It went well, and I managed to fit in a lovely riverside walk from Twickenham to Richmond. I had forgotten how beautiful the river can be.
Monday we went a walk in the North York Moors. As they are flat topped heather moors it is quite hard to find a peak for Rowan to claim in her book of conquered mountains. I found Black Hambledon though and we climbed it from Silton. The views from the North York Moors over the Vale of York are spectacular and I love the open expansiveness of the tops.
The photo shows Rowan nearing the finish line in the Race For Life on Sunday. An old friend of Rowan's from nursery, Helen, is starting at her school next term: so they had a good play last week with Rowan giving the low down on Tregelles.
Rowan and Danielle did the 5K Race for Life yesterday on the Knavesmire with over 6000 York women. Rowan came home two or three minutes ahead of Danielle [the day has come when we can keep up no longer]. The photo shows their medals on display.
As part of our strategy to help Rowan overcome her fear of dogs we have agreed to get a dog [the things we do for love...] so yesterday we all went to the Dog Trust place in Leeds. It was right next to the Leeds Music Festival so there was a musical backdrop to the experience. We are registered with the place and now will wait until we see a suitable dog. Hope it works. The photo is from our trip to Kirtlington
I vowed never to photograph a wedding again, but got persuaded this year by Sarah and Hugh. We came to an agreement about what shots I would and would not do, and in the end we were all happy. It has been a busy time for the photography business, the extension is great as a studio and an office for when people come to choose and collect photos etc.
The bees formed a swarm a few weeks back. Luckily Danielle could use her acquired bee-skills to get them back into the hive. She then ordered a new Queen through the post [no really] it arrived and now all is well again. The photo shows the swarm in the apple tree.
I have been sorting out some of my father's old papers. I found this photo of him from 1940 when he was 18.
Nephew Will has started a blog on which he posts his reports on Ipswich Town's games. So far they are far outdoing Preston who are starting badly. Mind you I am neck and neck with Will in our Pick The Score league
Some friends came round for lunch last week. As usual the trampoline provided the perfect place to put the children; it is worth its weight in gold. It was great to spend time in the extension with the doors open watching the bees.
Another photo of The Pippins. Rowan has been spending several days at her friend Clara's house this summer. They get on very well, and Clara lives in the country so they spend most of the days playing in the fields, with horses dogs and mud. Rowan loves it.
Rowan and I went down to Mother's this week to help with the final packing etc before she moves to my sister's in Suffolk. It is close on 30 years that she has been living there so it is quite an emotional process. The photo is of her house - "The Pippins".
I went a ride the other day up through the Howardian Hills on a beautiful sunny morning. This church at Brandsby caught my eye. I was spotted on the road by my chiropractor - luckily cycling is allowed.
Cousin Will came to stay last week. Rowan was, as ever, delighted. In the photo they are on the Bear of Hob Moor. Will has had a piece published in the
official Spurs monthly magazine - pretty good going for 16.
I saw a Whitethroat in the garden for the first time this week. Gradually the Hob Moor bird list is increasing. It was sat right outside the office window which was most obliging of it. The photo is from the Scotland ride.
Rowan and I took the Scarborough Spa Express a couple of weeks ago. It is pulled by a Mallard type steam engine and consists of old style coaches. We enjoyed it a lot, Rowan's smile as the engine arrived at York station was a joy to behold. We had a good day at Scarborough as well, visiting the beach and the castle
I made a new compost bin out of the old pergola that was replaced when the extension went up. It is heavy duty and somewhat over-engineered but fit for purpose. I made it up as I went along - "build and design" as opposed to "design and build".
My mother is selling her house and moving to Suffolk to be with my sister's family. Part of the process is to give some lovely bits of furniture to family and friends. This cupboard belonged to my Great Uncle Charles. It is beautifully made and fits in surprisingly well to our 60s house.
After a final cycle ride to Bird Rock [photo] we sadly set off home once more. It had been a great week with lovely weather, Rowan made her customary friend [Scott the golfer this year] and we all enjoyed it.
We visited the Corris Craft Centre as usual, but this time Rowan persuaded Danielle to take her to the awful sounding King Arthur's Labyrinth. She loved it of course, so I got a walk in whilst they were down in the caves and we were all happy. The photo is of the family on the beach.
Our annual visit to the Talyllyn Railway was the usual joy. We walked around Nant Gwernol quarry and disused tramways then caught the train back. It was particularly good to see on engine driven by an all-female team: Rowan is talking of volunteering at some stage - time will tell.
We took the train to Borth then walked along the cliff-top to Aberyswith where we got the train back to the hotel. It was a beautiful day and a great coast walk.
Danielle had to work on a conference call on Monday morning, so Rowan and I had a walk along the beach into Aberdovey for our first day ritual. In the afternoon I cycled to Bird Rock for the first time [photo]. This is 7 miles or so inland but it used to be by the sea; Cormorants and Choughs still nest on it even though the sea has long.
Off for our annual pilgrimage to Aberdovey in Wales. The weather was fantastic all week. The photo is of the beach - as can be seen it meets my requirement of having at least a 100 metre exclusion zone - more like half a mile.