Saturday night we went out for the last "live from the Met" opera of the season. It was Donizzetti's which sounds really unpromising. In fact, it was brilliant. Natalie Dessay was just fantastic and the production made the plot bearable. At half time we saw John and Katie and had a drink on the deck overlooking the river in the sunshine.
I am writing this on the train. For some reason Google thinks I am Sweedish when on this line.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Changing Times
I was down in London last week, saw Mark and Rob for a drink. Times have changed, I have always been a light drinking wimp compared with these two northern stalwarts. But now Rob is tee-total [for 2 years] and Mark drinks wine! in a pub! Have to get them back up north I think. I felt positively alcoholic having a couple of pints of Guinness.
Sunday, April 27, 2008

I have chose The Man Who Was Thursday by GK Chesterton for book group to read. I have never read anything by him [always thought he was dodgy and right wing] but find this a fascinating book. Written in 1908 it is amazingly relevant to today. There was a brilliant reading of it by Geoffrey Palmer on BBC7 which inspired me to read it. The photo is of the lake at Fairburn.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
A Pain
Intetnet is still up the spout - thankyou Richard Branson - so bloggage will be limited until either it is fixed or murder is committed
Thursday, April 24, 2008
More Murphy
Virgin on the ridiculous

Virgin took over NTL who had taken over Cable and Wireless who provided our internet access. The theme of poor service has continued though, and we are without access at home again until the weekend. So this is being posted on the train. Intense irritation - might even change supplier this time.
The trains generally run brilliantly, but save their disruptions for days like today - I have a really important meeting this morning and cannot be late. At the moment we are in a field near Castleford being dragged along by a diesel. It doesn't look good.
Oh well, plenty to be thankful for. The photo is another from beautiful Nun Monkton
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Nun Monkton
Monday, April 21, 2008
Spring Watch

I saw the first Swallow of the year yesterday - it must have wondered if its navigation system was up the spout, it is so cold still. And today the first butterfly, a Red Admiral I think: it was hard to tell it was flitting so quickly to get somewhere warm.
In the garden we have blue tits nesting in one box, great tits in another, and a big fat Wood Pigeon nesting on the side of the house.
I have started to plant out some veg [peas, beans, spuds, lettuce] even though it seems a bit cold for them - this could be an error, time will tell.
The photo is from Fairburn - this will definitely make the cut.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The Long Firm

Book group met last week: we were discussing The Long Firm by Jake Arnott. It is part of a trilogy about gangsters in London from the 60s to the 90s. Not a promising subject but brilliantly done. As usual some of us liked it, some didn't and some were so so. Led to a good discussion.
The tree is in Richmond - I think this photo could make the cut for next year.
Saturday, April 19, 2008

I got out the DVD of which is one of the ten best films ever made. It is 20 years since I saw it, and if anything it has got even better - truly great.
Meanwhile Rowan has been watching Stardust
which is a pretty good Hollywood/English kids film, notable for being possibly the only Hollywood movie to have comic references to Ipswich in it.The photo is of Rowan at Canary Wharf for the Marathon last week.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Train set
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
New Music

I have just found out about a great guitarist who I had never heard of called Derek Trucks [not the best name for sure]. He is a great player, the are Ok, but he sounds best on CD. Great to find a blues guitartist who is not old or dead but really good. He reminds me a bit of Santana, but is totally different at the same time.
The photo is of the Barbican flats again - Rowan can claim a production credit on this one, she convinced me that this angle was better than the one I was trying. She was right
Monday, April 14, 2008
The Barbican

We stayed with Danielle's friend Jenny in her
Barbican Estate flat for the Marathon weekend. It is a great place to live, and shows that high rise, concrete and flats do not have to add up to despair.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
More Decking
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The last part of the extension has been the decking on the old roof. This is a view from the inside looking out onto the deck. We are very pleased with it, we just need to level the pillars to stop it looking so twee, but apart from that the builders have done another great job. Just need some warmth now to appreciate it.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Museum Gardens
Monday, April 07, 2008
Cawood Castle
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Open Studios

This weekend has been York Open Studios so I have been confined to the studio for two whole days. It has gone well, not as well as last year which was madly successful, but better than I thought it would go. Plenty of sales, and positive comment. The main task was to stop people going "what an amazing house" and to get them to look at the photos.
This photo was a successful one - Sand 4
Friday, April 04, 2008
Bronze Age
Thursday, April 03, 2008

Rowan and I used the last of the free first class tickets from GNER to go up to Edinburgh for the day. Great journey, and we visited a typical Lottery funded attraction that explains the earth and solar system with too many interactive consoles and enthusiastic staff: Rowan loved it.
The photo is the Scottish Parliament building
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Danny's Office
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Kings Camp

Rowan did Kings Camp sports camp last week. It was the first time for a few years that she had wanted to do it, and she enjoyed it a lot. Several of her friends were there too. It was strange to see her as one of the oldest children there - when she first went, a few years ago, she was one of the youngest.
The photo is from snow-day last weekend
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