Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Aberdovey 1

The sun is out, the house is being house-sat, and we are in Aberdovey. We always go down to the beach first thing when we arrive and are faced with the most beautiful sand and sea with the mountains behind, and with my requirement [a 100metre exclusion zone] met with ease as you can see. Feels good.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Enough Rope
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Art Trail
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Pond Watch

Saturday night we were at an allotment party at John and Katy's. Despite the seasonal weather [it rained] we all had a great time. The photo is of Rowan, John, and Rose practising their frog tickling skills - in the rain. John cooked some great fish on the barbecue and we ate in a candlelit gazebo. We had to leave early to get back to welcome some Cuban dancers who were staying the night, and who - didn't show up.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Seventh Seal film which I loved [D not so sure]. It was made in the year of my birth. The black and white cinematogrophy is just perfect.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Skipworth Loop
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008
Rowan's Photo
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Cycle Route
Friday, July 11, 2008
Finch News

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Article about Danielle
News analysis: Panel has high social enterprise score
By Rosie Walker, Third Sector, 9 July 2008
Advisory team: the 12 representatives
Representatives of small local charities are concerned that the new group set up by the Office of the Third Sector to advise it on voluntary sector issues relies too heavily on "the great and the good" and is weighted too heavily in favour of social enterprise.
The 12 members of the Third Sector Advisory Body were selected from 283 applicants. The interview panel included Labour peer and panel chair Jill Pitkeathley, Helen Stevenson and Pat Samuel, both deputy directors of the OTS, and legal services commissioner Dr Lily Segerman-Peck.
Neil Cleeveley, director of policy and communications at Navca, which represents local charities, said: "There is an element of the great and the good about it. We would like to see more grass-roots representation, without it becoming too large and unwieldy."
Brian Carr, chief executive of BVSC, which represents charities in Birmingham, said: "There seems to be a strong emphasis on social enterprise expertise in the mix, which is understandable and important. What's less obvious is grass-roots community-level and faith-based third sector perspectives."
A spokesman for the OTS said it was important to hear from organisations not among its 45 existing strategic partners - organisations that receive government funding in return for advice.
Two religious organisations, Faith Action and Church Urban Fund, are among the partners. "Social enterprise is a broad spectrum, so it's important to have people representing every aspect of it," he said.
Jonathan Bland, chief executive of the Social Enterprise Coalition, described the group as balanced. "We're pleased it includes representatives with business experience from both social enterprises and the private sector," he said.
Ben Wittenberg, director of policy and research at the Directory of Social Change, said the quality of advice and the ability of the OTS to act on it were more important than the group's membership.
"It will be interesting to see what the OTS will do if the panel tells it that it's made a bad decision," he said.
The gang of twelve
The new group includes Lynne Berry, chief executive, WRVS, which helps isolated people in need; Stan Crawford, managing director, Sherwood Energy Village, a sustainable housing social enterprise; Stephen Dunmore, consultant, former chief executive, Big Lottery Fund; Clare Gilhooly, chief executive, Cambridge House, which alleviates poverty in London; Michael Kelly, European head of CSR, KPMG; John Knight, assistant director, policy and campaigns, Leonard Cheshire Disability; Bhupendra Mistry Board member, Carnegie UK Trust and BBC World Service; Penny Newman, non-executive director, Social Finance, set up to prepare the voluntary sector for a social investment bank; Cliff Prior, chief executive, UnLtd, a charity that funds social enterprises; Abbie Rumbold, partner and charity specialist, law firm Bates Wells & Braithwaite; Danielle Walker Palmour. director, Friends Provident Foundation; Sir Nick Young, chief executive, British Red Cross.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Middleton Railway

While Rowan was swimming in Leeds on Sunday I took a walk through the drizzly woods of Middleton Park. Coming through the mist was a steam train on the
Middleton Railway which is a preserved line and one of the oldest surviving railway lines in the world. It used to be a colliery line, now it ambles rather incongruously through a park.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Swimming Gala

Rowan was in a swimming gala in Leeds. Hundreds of children and their families converge on the pool at 8am. On a Sunday morning. It is all very professionally run and the kids seem to love it. Meanwhile the parents huddle in the heat and the noise [every bad record you can think of is played over the high quality PA which means you can hear every note] like a reluctant Gladiators audience.
The photo is from the much more civilized running meet - Rowan won the 600 metres again.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Summer in the City
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Tales from the Trains

You meet all sorts on the late train back from London. This week was a good sort.
On the way down to London I wondered why my Swiss Rail watch was reading the date as July 33Rd. On the way back I was chatting to the man who distributes them in the UK. He e-mailed me the explanation [separate discs for each number to allow larger digits, if you want to know] which was very interesting. Still does not read right though - it is just that I now know why.
The photo is of the International Maritime building on the embankment near Lambeth Palace. I like it.
Friday, July 04, 2008
National Championships

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Rowan went to stay the night with John and Heather on Tuesday - all seemed delighted. Which meant Danielle and I could go to the Sage in Newcastle to see Goldfrapp http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldfrapp . It was a great venue and a fantastic gig - we really enjoyed it. Long way to go though.
The photo is another from Rowan's Hebden Hey weekend.