The blackcurrant harvest has been a good one [not shared with the birds this year]. Here is a kilo of our crop after we have topped and tailed them; it produced a good six jars of jam.
Made a trip down to Stratton Audley to collect mother who had been staying at her sister Alison and Geoff's. It was the first time I had seen Geoff since his stroke earlier in the year. He was in good form and seems really well considering what he has gone through. The photo is of Geoff and Rowan by the pond in Stratton.
We stayed at the town of Jim Thorpe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Thorpe,_Pennsylvania which we chanced upon and was fantastic; listed in the “10 coolest small towns in America”. It has, a disused rail line to walk on, a preserved railway to ride on, a great restaurant to eat in – Moya, and a lot of history [Molly Maguires, Conan Doyle's Valley of Fear]. The whole renaming of the town from Mau Chunk to Jim Thorpe is a bizarre tale of opportunism that is not finished yet. The hotel was a great old fashioned place on main street, complete with grumpy waitresses – perfect.
Milo is recovered. He is strangely wary of going near the bee hive though.
We took a trip out to the Appalachians for a couple of nights. I had always wanted to see the Appalachian Trail, which we duly did. Talk was of it being a lot of woods, and not many views; the tiny bit I walked lived up to the publicity. Rowan and Danielle, having read Bill Bryson on Bears in the woods, decided to let me go on my own.
… and the bees won. We extracted 23kilos of honey yesterday, which was a bumper crop [with more to follow] and good news. The bad news was that Milo decided to try and eat as many bees as he could whilst Danielle and Rowan were bringing in the honey frames. The bees did not think a lot of this and decided to fight back, or more literally, to sting back. The result was a very very sorry Milo with 8 stings and a lot of illness. We thought he might actually be on his way out to the great bee-hive in the sky, but he seems to have pulled through.
We had to hire a car in the States. We got what they call a "mini-van" but what I would call a truck. Here it is, with Danielle distancing herself from it.
After the Torquay debacle 1976 saw me setting off in my old beat-up VW Beetle with cousin Gill and her friend Jude. I am in the hat, Gill is peeping out from behind Jude. I was due to go with friend Alistair but he cried off so Gill and Jude travelled with me for 3 weeks before starting their own inter-rail journey. We drove down through France, and Franco's Spain [with scary Guarda Civil] to the Algarve in Portugal where we stayed at a villa that belonged to some friends of my parents. Next we drove back up to France where we parted as planned. I drove on alone, hung out at Antibes with some French guys, then met up with Martyn from England. Together we drove through Italy to Florence and Venice before heading up to Austria where we parted. I then made my way up through Switzerland, Germany and Belgium before heading back home. It was a great start to travelling.
An example of how youth thinks: my father suggested before I went that “you just check you know how to change a tyre on the car”. This was an entirely sensible suggestion – which I ignored. Luckily I had no punctures. The brakes failed though, so I had to negotiate a couple of Alpine passes on the handbrake; all part of the fun.