On the way back from working on Teeside last week I went a quick walk on Riveaux Moor from where I caught this view of the Hambledon Hills, with the sun trying to make an appearance.
It is another busy day. Up, walk dog, cycle with Rowan to school, on to station, get ticket for Donny, rush to train. Phone goes, call from work, answering it at same time as making way to train. Get on train. Find a seat. Exhale. Reach for ticket as inspector nears, it is not there. It must have fallen onto the platform when I reached for my phone. Hummph.
Guard approaches “Any tickets from
I produce my receipt and the return portion of my ticket
“I’ve just bought a ticket but I must have –“
The guard finishes my sentence
“- dropped it on the platform. My colleague told me she saw you drop it. No problem”
Another blow for the jobsworth image of British Rail