The last time I ran a 10K run was in aid of Freedom for Nicaragua, so you can calculate it was a long time ago. 25 years ago to be precise. I did two runs that year, one in Brixton and one in Hyde Park. Since then - nothing.
only 4 days to go....
from the wolds
new photographs by simon palmour
A series of monochrome works that capture the strange world of the Yorkshire Wolds.
Presented together with abstract textural images on canvas and paper.
Grays Court
Chapter House Street. York YO1 7JH
10am – 6pm 7 days a week
Monday August 1st to Wednesday August 31st 2011
You are cordially invited to wine, canapés and the Private View
on Monday August 1st 6pm to 9pm
I have spent the last 2 days at Woodbrooke Quaker Education centre in Birmingham. Friend Rob has set up a virtual consultancy company, called Alder, to which I and a number of other freelance specialist social and health care consultants have been invited to join. The company is virtual in that we will remain free agents, but may work for Alder on projects [which we might develop ourselves.] We met up at Woodbrooke to sketch out how it will all work out. Looks good so far; we will see how it goes.