Thursday, October 17, 2024

20 Years of the Blog - 2013


Back in 2013 Danielle started as a member of the University of York Court. This included us going to see the opening of the new STEM building: for some reason the architects chose to design in comedy mirrors in the toilets. To resist was not an option.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

20 Years of the Blog - 2012


Watching the Olympics in London 2012 was something that Rowan, Danielle and I will all treasure. Not sure where this picture was taken, but it was 2012.

Monday, October 14, 2024

20 Years of the Blog - 2011


It was always a pleasure to have Mother stay with us in York. We all miss her.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

20 Years of the Blog - 2010


Rowan with her two American first cousins, Liam and KC. Rowan is wearing one of very many personalized tracksuits that came with her various athletic activities.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Twenty Years of the Blog - 2009


Rowan used the climbing frame as somewhere to read. We had it built at the old house, then moved it a couple of times at Hob Moor Drive before this, its final resting place. Now gone.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Twenty Years of the Blog - 2008


Rowan and Danielle in the office which became a hub at the centre of the house.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

20 Years of the Blog - 2007

2007 and I built this compost bin to replace various bins that were falling apart. This lasted a good while, but is now replaced as well. 

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

20 Years of the Blog 2006


2006 and Danielle had mastered the art of honey production, with the help of our bees, and her suited and booted assistant.

20 Years of the Blog - 2005

 2005 and the garden train was running around the rockery. It provided a lot of enjoyment for all of us.

Monday, October 07, 2024

20 years of the Blog - 2004

 The blog is now 20 years old. Every two years I print out a book of the blog (done by an online printer in the US) which has given the family a record of sorts of the past 20 years, from when Rowan was 6 to now. So the books cover a lot of ground. It is great to have, and I am pretty sure that Rowan will continue to treasure them in the future. So over the next week or so, I shall highlight a photo from the past, mainly of family.

First off is this shot of the making of our herb spiral which marked the first entry on the blog. Rowan in the background on her beloved trampoline.