I have often waxed lyrical about the joys of travelling down to London for a days work from York on the train. The peace, the chance to do some work on the laptop, the pleasant staff etc etc. Sometimes though it all goes wrong. Today was such a day. A beautiful day, a table to myself, black coffee and croissant by my side… all seemed fine. Then we stopped just short of Peterborough. Experienced heads looked up; we knew that something must be wrong. Sure enough the sing-song Geordie announcement could not disguise the grim news “…..overhead wire problems……….. Wood Green…….. no trains in or out of Kings Cross…train terminates here”
Half and hour of trying to find out what was going on [not much] and I took the decision to get the same train I had come down on, back up to York. I had two important meeting today, so it is a bit of a disaster, they were very understanding [had heard it on the news]. Not good.
The photo is of gypsy children at Amfisa Greece