Just a note - the previous account of my accident sounds a bit more pathetic than I like, so I offer my version as an update:
Background: My marathon training schedule requires some speed training each week. You may recall from my previous update that this was awful last time, so I was not looking forward to it.I needed to do 4x800m runs with a mile job on either end.
Prologue: I went on to the moor, stashed my water bottle on Little Hob Moor and went on to the cycle path to do my intervals. A man with a large black dog (I have decided it was a labrador but I really wasn't looking) was walking on the path - the dog was running along on the grass doing doggy things, pleased to be off the lead.
The Action: It happened in a flash - I ran by the man at top speed (well my top speed anyway) with the Velvet Underground on loud on my Shuffle ("I'm waiting for my man...$26 in my hand..."); the man was shouting at the dog - I ignored it; the dog ran across the path directly under my feet; I went flying. The end.
Epilogue: Man with dog was very solicitous but I was too mad and bruised to let him help me. I then realised I couldn't walk on my right leg so had to hop and limp home, assisted by a nice woman with a funny kind of little dog that has to have its hair pulled out every year (was I hallucinating or is this true?). Gwen drove me to the hospital and looked after me. So here I am. More news later.