When I was working with disabled people at King Henrys Walk in Islington in the 80s I jammed with some people from work in a rehearsal studio under the arches off Holloway Road. There was a harp player, me on guitar, my boss Cliff on bass, singer, drums etc. We played r&b and blues. Cliff was hopeless at work, unreliable, devious, alcoholic, just awful. I was the opposite at work, very reliable, committed etc. Come to music though and it all changed. Cliff was a great steady calm bass player, a rock. My guitar playing was, as ever, wild and all over the place and bearing little relation to what everyone else was doing. Which just goes to show.
Rowan has been getting into hockey this term and enjoys it a lot. Rowan's ear had a netball match this week which they won 23 -3. Rowan has found her niche in the team which is playing Goal Defence.
The photo is taken on Hellvelyn a few years ago.
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