After the Aubergine come the peppers. These are being grown in the extension, and very nice they taste too. First time I've successfully grown them.
For this shot I was standing in the water shooting straight down from head height. There are three areas of ambiguity about it that people pick up on.
“I thought the bit at the top was the water”. This is understandable, the sand has formed in waves but is being eroded away by the sea at the bottom of the image.
“I thought it was an aerial shot”. It could be any scale, life size[which it is], from space, under a microscope.
“I thought it was black and white”. Because the sand is grey it is easy to assume that it, and the rest of the shot is monochrome; when it is pointed out that there are greens and browns in the sea people then cannot believe they ever thought it black and white.
This image has been my most popular with buyers. It almost slipped my grasp, John & Katie spotted it when I was running through my work, ordered it as a large print, and it came to life.