Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hatfield 2

Enter through the light, then walked four hours and more without seeing a soul (apart from the souls of deer and the dog). Crisp, bright and still. Pink footed geese overhead in wave after wave. And then I stepped into this landscape; it felt unreal, and I do not know which version of it reflects that unreality the best.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Hatfield 1

Eight in the morning, and Hatfield Moors is waking up. Who could resist stepping into the light on a day like this.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

New Waffle

My old waffle iron, bought in Harrods in 1987 has served me well over the years. The trouble is, it was not an iron, but an alloy. So when we got an induction hob I was dismayed to realise it would work no longer. 

Danielle ordered me a cast iron waffle iron from China and eventually it turned up. Hesitant seasoning and concern about it ever proving usable were swept away when this most natural of kitchen implements worked like a treat to serve up great waffles.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Stroll again

 The band played last week. Great to just play together; nothing better than making music with others. 

The beach at Filey from last weeks Stroll

Sunday, September 15, 2024


In woods on top of the soft cliffs south of Scarborough. 20 years time and this might well be at the bottom of the cliff.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Stroll

The latest leg of The Stroll took me from Filey to Scarborough along the east Yorkshire coast: a rapidly eroding coastline that has an increasingly temporary feel. Last time I walked here I listened to the live Parliamentary debate before Tony Blair took us into war against Iraq, it was dispiriting. This time I listened to the Anthony Seldon book on the Liz Truss prime ministership. This was both depressing and entertaining; its title How Not To Be Prime Minister was totally appropriate.

Anyway the walk was great, with gannets and gulls keeping me company.

Thursday, September 12, 2024


For our 28th Wedding Anniversary we went  for a meal at a pub run by Tommy Banks at Byland Abbey. Had a really good meal in a nice relaxed revamp on what had been a pretty run down pub.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 While Mark and I were in Bradford, Mandy explored York then the four of us had a meal at home. Lots of chat as usual.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 Then at the weekend Mandy and Mark came up from Wimbledon. Saturday Mark and I went to watch the hapless Carlisle lose 2-1 at Bradford City. It was actually a pretty good game (in League Two) and a good atmosphere. 

Monday, September 09, 2024


 Friends Paul and Kelly called in to say hello. Good to see them. They (and seemingly many many retired people) have a camper van. Not my thing, but it looked nice inside.

Friday, September 06, 2024

The Stroll - Yarm to Dinsdale

 Been a busy week. Monday was the next leg of The Stroll, from Yarm to Dinsdale, along the river Tees. It is a beautiful valley, with a very little used path alongside the river.

Hard to imagine that the world's first steam railway was built here; The Stockton and Darlington is just a couple of fields away. All the excitement and the industry is long gone.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Read the Sign

Taken in our local park. This sign has been there a long time.


Monday, September 02, 2024

Rosedale 5

 OK, last one from Rosedale. This counts as a photograph; a mysterious woman walks in a dark stone building.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Rosedale 4


Everyone who visits, must take this shot. So I claim nothing for it. But those rocks stacked to form the window are incredible to find in this dim barn.