I found this office block near Meadowhall in Sheffield. It would not look out of place in Silicone Valley and does look a bit odd next door to Sheffield Forgemasters.
Rowan had an extra session at Sheffield for her netball – a tri-regional tournament with an England player in attendance. It is not easy for her, she is one of the youngest and finds it socially a challenge, but she is made of strong stuff and is determined.
I took a walk into Sheffield on a perfect clear-sky autumn day. It reminded me of the days when I moved to Leeds after I left school, only then I was walking either to find a job, or to work. 35 years ago.
The River Don now has a footpath all the way along it into the City Centre; the result of just the kind of social investment which will now be con-demed to cuts by the coalition government. The river passes forges and weirs and busy factories. I saw several Kingfishers and Grey Wagtails on my way.
The photo is of two people kayaking on the Don within a couple of miles of the city centre.
32 years ago I had a job in the Christmas holidays planting trees in Sheffield. The site was a recently shut pit, a frozen mud strewn ex-industrial wasteland that was being converted into a country park – how we laughed.
Today I returned to that place for the first time. Whilst Rowan was doing her netball I took the mountain bike for a spin on the Sustrans route that links Sheffield to the Rother Valley country park. I found a lovely place, with lakes and lots of people cycling, sailing, water ski-ing, plodding around. And my trees have grown to form the backbone to the whole place. It is quite rare to be able to see the outcome of your labours, so it felt quite moving. I managed to stop myself from going up to people and saying “you see that forest? I planted that I did” though.
Danielle took Rowan on the train to Sheffield for her first day at the Regional Academy – all a bit anxious about it I think. I take the train to London to go to the Cycle show at Earls Court. I have been on and off for the past 20 years at various London venues, and before that, long ago, at Harrogate. Truth be told this year's show is a little tawdry. Plenty of good stands with interesting stuff on them [cycle rack solutions, the London bike scheme, cycle holidays, Condor cycles where my bespoke tourer came from etc] but not quite as good as previous years.
I walked up to Kings Cross from Earls Court listening to The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by Terence Ratigan and very good it was too.
The train journey back was fantastic. I noticed that is was scheduled for 3hr 20 instead of 2hrs so assumed a route change because of engineering work. That was the case. So from Peterborough we went off piste across the fens via Spalding and Sleaford to Lincoln and Gainsborough, re-gaining the main route at Doncaster. I had the OS 50:000 map up on-line on the wi-fi, so could follow the route in comfort – perfect. I just got the feeling that not everyone on the train felt so good about the delay.