Monday, June 19, 2006


The gooseberries from the garden have done really well this year. We had a gooseberry pie last week, and I made a gooseberry fool today [gooseberries, creme fraiche, brown sugar, water mmmm]. Then there is the elderflower. Rowan found a recipe for elderflower cordial on the net, we picked the elderflowers from the garden, and were all set, save for the citric acid.
Ever tried buying citric acid if you look a bit dodgy?
"Hullo can I have some citric acid please"
stage silence followed by
"Why do you want it?"
me, nonplussed,
"er for making something..."
"we haven't got any"
When I finally got some I found out that it used by heroin users [the citric acid not the elderflower cordial] but I will send a less suspicious person out to get it next time [if I know any].

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