Thursday, July 20, 2006


I was in London yesterday, firming up a piece of work that will go through to the new year, which is good. I had some time to spare in the morning so I went to Waterstones bookshop to get the next book-group book, Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolfe. The Penguin copy I found cost £7.99 which seemed way too much, so I had a look in the classics section where I found a copy for £1.99 - better.
I sat and read a bit in Tavistock Square by the statue of Ghandi. The irony of the July 7th bomber murdering people in this square where the statue of the champion of non-violence is remembered, had never struck me before.
Then I realised I was reading the book in Bloomsbury which is appropriate for a Virginia Woolfe book.
Saw friend Celia in the evening, who I hadn't seen for 18 years or so, from the Rough Guide days! Great to catch up.
The photo is Wharfedale last week.

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