Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Red Tower

Book group last week we discussed American Pastoral by Philip Roth. Usually each book has someone who didn't finish it, this week it was me: I barely started it. I just couldn't stomach another Great American Novel about the 60s. Anyway, the rest of the group were split between the ayes and the nays.

I have been reading Stuart Maconie's Pies and Prejudice about the North of England. As he is from Wigan and I am from Preston there are plenty of chords to be struck. A good read, but a bit sloppy at times.

The photo is of The Red Tower: part of the York City Walls. Built in the 1400's it is made of red brick - this caused consternation [and murder of a brick-layer by a stone mason] when it was built in brick instead of stone.

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