Friday, December 28, 2007

Dinner Party

Julia and Patrick invited us round to a meal with some people we knew not: Marcus and Suzie. As is the way with York we soon had numerous mutual contacts, but one went beyond the normal level of coincidence.

Marcus to me "Where are you from?"
Me "Preston"
Marcus, "I'm from Blackburn, do you know anyone from there?"
Me "Two people - Wayne Hemingway and Karl"
Marcus "I was at school with Wayne"


Later on
Me "I lived in Leeds after I left school"
Marcus "Where?"
Me "Burley Road"
Marcus "I used to live in 314"
Me "I lived in 316"


The photo is of the extension today.

1 comment:

Helen C said...

I know Marcus and Suzie too! You should try Facebook, then you know who knows who before they do...Or does that spoil the joy of discovery?