Sunday, September 11, 2011

High Jump

Ben won the Town Cryer competition! He vows to try and get an exchange with Cryers in the UK set up. Rowan won the high jump and 1500m at the York Open athletics meeting [that is her winning jump in the photo]. She did a new personal best in the high jump of 1m55, try measuring that on the wall.

Danielle was in Woodbrooke being a governor, I was back in the Wolds for some more photographs. I went to Well Dale, part of a system of dry valleys near Warter. All this ground was totally out of bounds before the Labour government brought in the Right to Roam and the concept of Access Land. It feels great to be able to walk here with without [much] fear of the landowner. The fact that the whole of the area is “farmed” as a pheasant shoot makes it feel even better to walk through it. My self-righteousness took a bit of a knock when Milo appeared with a pheasant he had caught in his mouth – luckily the bird got up, dusted itself down and skulked off. Milo seemed quite relieved to be able to leave it. I was the only person in the whole dale, just Milo, red kits, buzzards, pheasants and partridge.

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