Sunday, December 11, 2011

Party Party

The Party, was a blast. Guests were asked for three favorite dance tracks, these were then subjected to a taste filter. It meant we had a really great night, with everyone on their feet. Adrian had lent me his Fender PA which meant we had a good sound system, Danielle had done some tasty nibbles and Rowan had three friends for company. The room really came into its own.

Over the years I have often had parties at this time of year, near my birthday but not linked to it.
1978 - Princes Road flat in Liverpool 8. It was inconceivable of a party having food, or of it starting before the pubs shut. Door kicked in, TV stolen, a bloke wandering in to our room and asking if I had a spare pair of jeans - his had been stolen.

1979 - we had a sub-culture party at Taylor House in Oxford. I was in Devo, Mark was a rasta ... Rob & Doug and Steve turned up too [they always seemed to somehow]

1981 - first of a series of crazy parties at Cannonbury Place flat in Islington. Included a 70s party that was well ahead of its time, and a Mike and Derwood performance one time.

1994 - a Tottenham party that had my band performing in the garden.

After that parties tended to get a bit more geared to talk and food. We both missed the dancing, hence this party.

People were demanding a repeat for next year - we will see.

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