Saturday, September 08, 2012

Los Paralímpicos

I had never had much of an interest in the Paralympics before this year. Then we watched the inspirational play about Dr Guttmann who started the whole thing in the 1940s. This, coupled with the post-Olympic feelgood factor and the wall to wall TV coverage, meant they could no longer be ignored. It has been great.
When I started working with disabled people over 30 years ago [at Stoke Mandeville] I met a lot of young, highly motivated people with disabilities. Disability sport was just not on their radar. It might as well not have existed. Opportunities outside of Stoke were non-existant. How things have changed.
Too often we consider it a given that “things were better in the past”. In terms of opportunities for disabled people that is simply not true.
The paralympics are a wonderful, bizarre, illogical creation that have somehow made it onto the biggest of world stages. It is an unlikely story – all you can do is be glad it happened.

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