Sunday, March 01, 2015


I usually ask people that I know, what they are listening to if I meet them on the Moor with headphones on. Neighbour Peter was enjoying Elements, a series of podcasts by the BBC World Service, with each element getting a programme exploring the use of that element in the world. They are really well done and absolutely recommended. Today I caught up with Carbon, Mercury and Nickel.
The only podcast I have stuck with since hearing it is the Guardian Football Weekly which is funny, informative and irreverent enough to keep me coming back for more twice a week. Second best is NPR All Songs Considered, an American podcast on music that is eclectic and entertaining enough to get me listening most weeks.
Then there is a Sherlock Holmes podcast - I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere - which is pretty good, but more than once a month would be too much; as with so many podcasts a healthy edit would do it a lot of good.
More of Less, another BBC podcast, is brilliantly entertaining and informative in its discussion of statistics in the news.
Radiolab is an American podcast on just about anything of interest in the world, which I am enjoying a lot at the moment [I only just discovered it].
The only other regular at the moment is Brain of Britain Quiz from the BBC which is pretty terrible [old fashioned and struggling] but just about worth listening to.

The photo is a truly bizarre one that Rowan retweeted this week; I love it.

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