Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Moors

I met two people at the photo exhibition who will be useful for future projects. A woman who works for Nature England (which owns the beloved Thorne and Hatfield Moors) and a guy who works for the equivalent national archeological organisation, who also has an interest in the moors. I visited Hatfield last week and had a great walk right around the site; this photo is from that walk.
At one point Layla and I were sitting on a rare bench for lunch. I looked across the water in the peace. There were plenty of gulls and geese but nothing special. I said out loud (first sign of etc ...) "I really could do with seeing a marsh harrier". Marsh harriers are common on Thorne moors but I don't recall ever seeing one on Hatfield. I turned my head round, and a marsh harrier flew up from ten metres away letting me admire its beauty and grace. Special moment.


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