Saturday, December 01, 2012

Flood 2

The floods continue to play havoc with the trains - or not. I have been lucky so far. Danielle and I continued to be so on a trip to London. All other trains were delayed but ours left on time. We got to our seats, to find one of them occupied. The occupier explained that our train, the 14.01 from York was also a completely different train from Newcastle; in a quantum physics kind of way we thus had two parallel universes on one train. Everyone got on with it though and the staff were brilliant. At Grantham [which gave us Thatcher least you forget] some very posh folk got on, displaying a not unfamiliar lack of social skills as they hurumped to the world about it all. "It will get worse as we go further south as well" said one passenger. "What you mean, that there will be more southerners?" said another innocently enough. Wry smiles all round from the good northern folk on our tables.
The photo is another of the flood in central York.

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