Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Rosedale Revenge

What a ride.
Setting off from Home I ride through the centre of York in the perfect sunshine that would stay with me for the day. I pass the Victorian Railway Sation, go through the Medieval City Walls, see the Big Wheel then skirt the Minster. Not bad for starters.
The route then grinds out to Stensall where the Countryside starts - Lapwings and Hawthorn Blossom all about.
The hills on this route have a good rhythm to them. First comes Sheriff Hutton with its dramatic castle, barely a hill but it gets the legs moving. Next is Terrington Bank, straight up but not too bad. There are then a couple of rises through the lovely Howardian Hills before model village Hovingham is reached. Too early for the tea rooms to be open - probably not a bad thing.
The next hill, Caulkey Bank is steep with a hairpin but short, so they are getting harder but not too bad. After that the North York Moors begin in earnest with Blakey Bank a real killer, followed by the steepest hill in England at Rosedale Chimney. I was going nicely until a kindly farmer decided to overtake on the steepest hairpin section  meaning I lost my rhythm and had to stop. No walking though.
It was such a great ride that I even managed to find a cheap tea shop at the toursit-trap of Hutton Le Hole. A great day.

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