Wednesday, April 09, 2014

The Burnley Burn

What a ride. After being cooped up in doors for Open Studios today was the day I escaped on the bike. Dave and I got the train to Burnley, then cycled back to York. It was brilliant. First off was a [very] undulating route across the Pennine moors towards Howarth. Bleak, grim, Curlews and Grouse for company, just what I like. Then we dropped down to Keighley; a sad place where the elegant main street still looks OK from a distance, but close up reveals that where once stood department stores etc now houses mainly Kebab shops and little else.
We then climbed high up to the top of Ilkley Moor, where a rough track dropped down to the town of Ilkley and a cafe stop. The road then undulated along the side of Wharfedale to Wetherby and tea in a Chinese run greasy-spoon cafe. The wind took us home. Only 100km but a great great ride across the country.

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