Sunday, August 31, 2014

Party in Forest Row

What a joy it is to cycle to the station on the Brompton, fold it up and pop it on the train. The journey down to London was good, only croissant for breakfast though at the weekend - no nice little pancakes. Then I unfolded the Brompton [running nicely thanks to Cycle Heaven] and set off through London to Mark and Mandy's in Wimbledon. It is always good cycling through London and today being a Saturday morning was quite calm and pleasant. Got there in good time and had a sandwich [to make up for the croissant-only breakfast] then we drove down through horrible Surrey to Forest Row in Sussex [yuck, why do people consider this load of roundabouts to be "desirable"?]. Rob and Kath arrived and we had lunch in the pub, which was the Brambletye Hotel which features prominently in the Sherlock Holmes story The Adventure of Black Peter. Then it was up to Andy & Liz's 30th wedding anniversary party. This was a lavish affair - two bands, marquees, lots of food etc. We all enjoyed it. There was a scrolling selection of photos from the past going round, one of them was of Mark, Rob and I in about 1980. Not much difference from this photo really.

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