Monday, May 11, 2015


A work friend Rob sent this e-mail out today; I think he is pushing stiff-upper-lipism to new levels


Many of you will know of our increasing frustration with our current service provider and intention to refresh our website and shift to a different, and hopefully more responsive, provider.

Some of you also know that I was involved in an accident last week. I was loading shopping in to my car last week when a reversing van trapped me between the two vehicles breaking and crushing my right leg. I’m heavily splinted and fairly immobile, so now is probably as good a time as any to tackle this project. The difficulties we encountered last time fill me with trepidation….

Your help is needed.  Can you suggest any features we should include in the website, please.  Also can you point me to any websites that you particularly enthusiastic about. The web designer has requested some indication about the sort of thing we like."

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