Saturday, January 16, 2016

Wolds Again

After the joy of the Wolds walk I described in the blog, I set off again. Friends John and Katy who have renovated a farm house the other side of the Wolds in  Holderness have just finished their first self-catering flat to let. They wanted some of my Wolds photographs to put on the walls. So I combined taking them over with getting a walk in first.

Milo and I set off in beautiful sunshine and walked to Camp Dale near Fordon, which in Julian Cope's book The Modern Antiquarian is described as one of the most spiritual places. He is right. Took some great photos, got back to the car, for some reason put my phone and camera on the car roof and drove off. The first clump I thought little of, the second cranked my memory into action and I stopped the car. I walked back 500 metres or so, then remembered my phone had my rail card in it "Oh no, all that hassle as well as the phone, and the camera" As soon as I had this thought there was my damaged railcard lying in the middle of the road. Relief, or partial relief. I looked around and around for the phone, eventually finding it in the long grass. A bit more relief. I picked it up to see if it worked, if I could call John to say I would be late. It did, so I did. More relief. But no camera. I drove back looking for it, but had no joy. Those great shots I took will never see the light of day.

I set off for John and Katy's and noticed that the extra driving and pushed me to just 18 miles left in the tank. Those miles ticked off like kilometres until it read nought and I feared another tedious experience of getting gas, and a can etc etc. Immediately I looked up and saw an Esso sign. No Entry this way said the sign, I ignored and came to a dry halt at the pumps. Thankyou God.

So the farmhouse looked brilliant, great to see John and Katy again, phone is OK, but the camera is gone forever. This photo is from the previous trip.

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