Friday, March 29, 2019

Cleveland 3

Monday was the day we got to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. This is in Cleveland because it was here that DJ Alan Freed first referred to the emerging music as rock and roll on his radio show. We entered the museum with some trepidation but we need not have worried. From the start it covers the blues, gospel, jazz and country roots of the music with due depth and reverence. The whole thing was great. Friend Derwood makes an appearance on a gig flyer in a section on London punk rock, and there is footage of a 1978 Rock Against Racism Clash gig in Victoria Park which I was at (together with 100,000 other people). We liked it so much that we stayed most of the day. Even the food was pretty good. In the evening we got the free bus (yes free) to an Indian cafe that was goodish.
I am pleased with this shot of downtown Cleveland; that is Danielle in the reflection.

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