Tuesday, August 30, 2005

On the last day of our Austria ride, we had a hike up to an Alp, where we rejoined our bikes, this is the Alp - real Sound of Music stuff, luckily no Julie Andrews.

Rowan went to play with her friend Douglas from school today. She had a really good time, with Douglas' Dad taking them to Rowntree Park http://www.thisisyork.co.uk/york/insideout/todo/rowntree_park.html on their bikes. We cycled back home, just in time for me to take Rowan to the gym on the tandem for her trampoline lesson. Got back, Rowan carried on with her friend Rhianna, selling plums to our neighbours. Oh yes and I had a badminton lesson where my game was deconstructed by my post modernist coach - trouble is it is now much less effective than it was - expect another defeat to Edward on Friday, before the new super-game emerges from the deconstructed wreckage - that is the theory.

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