Friday, August 12, 2005

Ynis Hir

This is a view from Cader Idris, which we climbed this week. Yesterday we went to Corris Craft Centre then the beach, then whilst Danielle and Rowan walked into Aberdovey to replace Rowan's priceless [well £1.25] lost mood ring, I went on another great bike ride on bridle paths behind Aberdovey. It is a fantastic area to explore. Rowan made another friend, Georgia, and had a great play, which meant we could enjoy our last meal at the hotel.

Today we went to Ynis Hir RSPB reserve, which was great, a really lovely walk in the oak woods - didn't see many birds though. The journey back was torturous and wet but I reckon putting up with the M62 once a year is not too bad.

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