Sunday, October 19, 2014


Despite protestations Rowan still lets me photograph her [sometimes] here we are by the Rockefeller Centre yesterday. We had a great day: morning we took the subway to Brooklyn where we saw friend Tony [I last saw him here in New York 19 years ago] who has a great flat and kindly brought us brunch at a suitably hipster eaterie. Then we saw Motown The Musical [this was a meeting half way for me - Rowan loves musicals [I don't] but as it was about Motown I thought it would be something I could bear. And it was, great fun, packed out, bit of a laugh.
Then we ate out in an Italian bar on 9th Avenue which was a lot better than it should have been - Rowan had thyme infused honey drink. Exhausting day but a great one.

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