Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Danielle writes
Well, its official - I have changed my behaviour because of the bombs. Two weeks ago, the prospect of crossing London twice, changing trains 4 times would have been vaguely annoying but offering some interesting people watching opportunities (I wonder where they are going? Are they related?What a lovely baby). Today, I have just decided not to do it. Nothing too dramatic - just a gentle disinclination to go underground with a load of other people. I have re-prioritsed my trip and decided to concentrate on my most immediate concerns. So this is how terror works, I suppose. It is creeping rather than dramatic made up of small avoidances rather than big detours.In discussing with friends why the current circumstances feels so different from the IRA bombs in the 90s, I have concluded that the main difference is that I am different. I am older. I can no longer find a frame of reference to understand how and why it is happening. I am lost in a sea of middle-aged, middle class incomprehesion and low level anxiety. However, I still do want to understand - I am still swimming. I sense that to sink would be unutterably sad.

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