Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Bike Fit

Danielle has got form on getting me interesting birthday presents. This year she brought me a bike-fitting at a trendy bike shop in Faringdon, London. So I have come down on a very cheap ticket with my bike and am en-route for the shop. It is lovely to be in London again; sunny crisp and buzzing. I was locking my bike outside of the British Library when a security guard approached me. Prepared for "you can't put it there mate" style rant I turned to face him; "There are some much safer racks round the corner, you'd be better off using those", I thank him and take his advice.
The British Library is a marvel. You can wander in without being searched, settle down with a coffee and use the free wifi; all in an atmosphere of peace and learning.
At the bike-fit the [very] young man analyses my position on the bike with the help of electronic sensors and various metrics. The end result is a complete change to my position on the bike [and expenditure on new saddle and stem - surprise surprise] and orthotics in my shoes [one leg is longer than the other, no doubt related to my back problem]. It all felt great [in the shop] but might be different on the road. But I am optimistic and looking forward to trying it all out.
I left my bike at the shop and walked up to Muswell Hill to stay with friends David, Cathy and Jessie. Great to see them and a lovely dinner of home made fish cakes and salad. They made me watch Broadchurch - a first, and definitely a last.
The photo is the view from Primrose Hill of the new London skyline, Shard and all. If you look carefully you can see little St Pauls peeping up.

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