Sunday, November 07, 2004

Travail sans frontieres

I have completed my first week of "working from home". It has been an interesting experience for a hard-working gal with slight tendancies toward procrastination. I managed to evade the allure of dusting the skirting boards and the new bottle of "Shiny Sinks" in the cupboard. The mildew on the office window was my only slip-up - I couldn't resist it. The latest I started work was 9:05am, the earliest 8:25am. I discovered that I don't have the habit of eating lunch if there is nothing to scrounge off someone else and I am busy. I also noted that the heat needs to go back on in the house by 10:30am; happily this coincides with my requirement for caffeine.

The real issue is boundaries - how do I stop working? Every job I have ever had - and this one is no exception - has been infinite. There is always something that could be done or improved or re-formatted (you have to get the font right).

Friends have loads of ideas about this that they are eager to share - "if you work late at night, take time off in the day"; "Have a fixed time to start and stop and stick to it"or "Work when you need to, you'll soon get fed up and stop yourself".

I am less keen to listen to them just now - I need to build my own barriers. I think it will look like a ha-ha. Click here -

Great minds think alike.... Ha ha.


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